
Day 3: Flowers? I dont think so.

Ahhh...work. Today at work, among other things, I was asked to weed part of the back garden. Why only part of the garden, you might ask? Well...it was because the garden was SO weed infested, that it took about an hour to clear a 3 by 2 foot square.

  Thus, I was confronted with New Thing Number Three: How do you tell a weed from a plant? You would think this would be easy to do...the plants are the pretty ones and the weeds are the little sprouts of pathetic green stuff growing around them, right? Wrong. You have never been more wrong.

  These weeds were freaking monsters. They had stems about three inches thick and two feet long, and had roots that went six feet into the ground. They were hulking, huge, monstrous and fought back tooth and nail every step of the way. And, yes, they had teeth and nails.

How do you garden a plot of land that is more weedy than flowers? You grab a hunk and pull, hoping and praying that what you are pulling is not an iris. 


Day 2: Toxic Paint Fumes

So...believe it or not, I have never spray painted before. Although my cousins who live up the hill from me went through a "grafitti art" phase (the "art" part being negotiable) which resulted in the pictures on various trees and building surfaces throughout our property, I never joined them.
  My dad also never trusted me enough with a spray can to let me help him, which, I cannot say I blame him for. However, today's new thing: Spray Painting. (aka inhaling toxic paint fumes.)
So, when my employer at the Bed and Breakfast I work at told me we were spray painting the lawn furniture today, I got very excited.  Thinking of the "cool" spray paint artists I had seen on those home makeover shows, I was up for anything and very ready to turn rusty old deck chairs into works of green art...and hopefully not turn myself into the jolly green giant.
  As anyone who has ever spraypainted is probably thinking right now, spray painting is not quite so romantic. It was hot, sweaty, I developed what my employer calls "trigger finger" which basically means your pointer finger cramps up so badly that you can't hold a glass of water properly, and somehow, although I did not look like an asparagus by the end of the endeavor, I managed to turn the hair on my arms green. (How the skin didnt turn green as well...no clue)

 Also...spray painting makes fumes. I forgot that part too. And you know those nifty little masks you can wear (either the ones that look like hospital masks or the ones that make you look like you're preparing for a nuclear blast). Well...we didnt have either. I think that I got slightly drunk of paint fumes, if thats possible.  Can I get some form of poisoning from that?

Who knows. Either way, new thing #2 was accomplished, and the lawn chairs are no worse for wear either.

But, I would like to report that I will definetely not be skipping the meditation part of today's yoga, because I dropped another glass today. I swear that bad karma is out to get me. (or maybe its that trigger finger thing). For now, I'm relagated to plasticware, until my good karma returns.

Days Left: 96    Posts Left: 97


Day 1:Yoga

"And start with three exhale's, each time saying the word "om"."

So I did. 

New Thing of Day 1: Yoga

Basically, to be quite honest, I've done yoga before. But not in a long time. And not in the morning. And not with my cat, helping...actually, not really helping. The "new" part is that I'm going to TRY to do it every morning. We'll see how that goes. I just found a class on YouTube (which is a website that I love, quite honestly). Here is the link, in case you're inspired and want to check it out:

I was sititng in some pose that is called something I cannot pronounce, but I think of it as the "indian style pose" or the "criss cross applesauce pose", because that's all it is. I was sitting on my nice new green yoga mat, with my legs crossed and my hands resting on my knees, breathing deeply, listining to the fan that was spinning madly in the ridiculously hot air, and trying not to think about how stupid I sounded saying "Om."
(I thought about just skipping it, I mean really...who would know? but if you're going to do something, I figure you'd better do it all the way)

And then my cat, George, pictured here with my new green yoga mat and flip flops:

decided to come and join me. He likes my yoga mat, apparently. I ignored him, and concentrated on "my breathing", and he just walked in circles around me, trying to get my attention and rubbed himself against my hands to try to get me to pet him. When that didnt work, he flopped into cobra pose and proceeded to claw my knees. I then proceeded to focus on my breathing while throwing him out the door and shutting it, before returning to whatever Indian style pose I was in before.

While nearing the end of the morning yoga practice (I believe I was in Proud Warrior pose), an ant crawled onto my mat, so naturally, I brushed him off, accidently ripping one of his legs off and causing him to squirm...you know, the way that bugs do when you accidently squish them that makes you feel HORRIBLE and like a bloodthirsty, uncaring murderer. Yeah, that way. So I got out of Proud Warrior and grabbed a box of graham crackers (which just happened to be the first thing I saw) and put him out of his misery,  and then jumped back into Proud Warrior without missing a breath.
   Somehow I dont think that yoga and killing ants correlate, exactly.

Long story short, yoga actually did feel very good, besides the cat part and the ant part. It didnt hurt too badly, and I actually felt more calm, although I can never sit through the whole meditation part at the end. I always just start thinking of things I need to do, and then go and do them.

After Yoga, because it is such a ridiculously hot day, I got myself a glass of ice water, feeling very calm and poised and centered after my 42 minute class (minus the meditation). And then I broke the glass all over the floor, so I had to vaccuum it up while yelling at my dog to stay out of the kitchen, much to his dismay.  Maybe skipping the meditation part gave me bad karma.
Days Left: 97   Posts Left: 98

98 Days, 100 Posts: Day 1

Ahh...summer. The time of doing nothing.

Oh my gosh.

 I am NOT a doing nothing person. I need stuff to do. And while I am working (at a bed and breakfast, no less)  I dont have NEARLY enough hours to keep me occupied. I think that I'm going to go crazy.

So...I've decided to revamp my old blog (which used to be called "Don't we all want to change the world?") and turn it into this.

Then I counted all the days from now until the end of August, which, yes, did involve a calendar and a calculator, and the total came to 98. So I decided to do 98 blog posts, one for each day.  What the heck is with the 100 then, you might ask? Good question. I'm an even number person...kind of OCD, so I decided that somewhere along the line i'll squeeze in an extra post or two...maybe more. Who knows?

Either way. 98 days. 100 posts (at least). And...here's the hard part. But hopefully it will cure my summer boredom.  Hard Part: Through the course of blogging, I have to do one new thing every day. And write about it. At least it will keep me occupied.

Either way, today will have another post, highlighting what my "new thing" for today, Day 1, was, and just about the day in general.

So there goes one of the extra posts I needed.

Days Left: 97. Posts Left: 99