
98 Days, 100 Posts: Day 1

Ahh...summer. The time of doing nothing.

Oh my gosh.

 I am NOT a doing nothing person. I need stuff to do. And while I am working (at a bed and breakfast, no less)  I dont have NEARLY enough hours to keep me occupied. I think that I'm going to go crazy.

So...I've decided to revamp my old blog (which used to be called "Don't we all want to change the world?") and turn it into this.

Then I counted all the days from now until the end of August, which, yes, did involve a calendar and a calculator, and the total came to 98. So I decided to do 98 blog posts, one for each day.  What the heck is with the 100 then, you might ask? Good question. I'm an even number person...kind of OCD, so I decided that somewhere along the line i'll squeeze in an extra post or two...maybe more. Who knows?

Either way. 98 days. 100 posts (at least). And...here's the hard part. But hopefully it will cure my summer boredom.  Hard Part: Through the course of blogging, I have to do one new thing every day. And write about it. At least it will keep me occupied.

Either way, today will have another post, highlighting what my "new thing" for today, Day 1, was, and just about the day in general.

So there goes one of the extra posts I needed.

Days Left: 97. Posts Left: 99

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