
Day 3: Flowers? I dont think so.

Ahhh...work. Today at work, among other things, I was asked to weed part of the back garden. Why only part of the garden, you might ask? Well...it was because the garden was SO weed infested, that it took about an hour to clear a 3 by 2 foot square.

  Thus, I was confronted with New Thing Number Three: How do you tell a weed from a plant? You would think this would be easy to do...the plants are the pretty ones and the weeds are the little sprouts of pathetic green stuff growing around them, right? Wrong. You have never been more wrong.

  These weeds were freaking monsters. They had stems about three inches thick and two feet long, and had roots that went six feet into the ground. They were hulking, huge, monstrous and fought back tooth and nail every step of the way. And, yes, they had teeth and nails.

How do you garden a plot of land that is more weedy than flowers? You grab a hunk and pull, hoping and praying that what you are pulling is not an iris. 

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