
Funny Incident

1. I love lists. I have lots of things to say, so I'll just list em.
2. This is a list of random events that i have yet to talk about.
3. and i'm bored so I think I will.
4. okay. So. did you know that burnt popcorn attracts cute guys? Well- it does!!
5. Did you also know that losing your debit card is NOT a good plan. You probably did. Most people do.
6. Fortunately, the cool coffee shop on Main Steet takes checks. Even when its only for 3 dollars and 21 cents.
7. Coffee is essential to life.
8. Essential
9. Kasstyna met a british guy at college. I want to meet a British guy here. Sadly, burnt popcorn guy was not british. And still isnt. I probably should have said "is"
10. I can't think of things to talk about.
11. Im going to the movie's this weekend.
12. No idea what I'm seeing, but as long as there is Movie Theatre popcorn, it should be good.
13. Do i spell theatre wierd?
14. I don't think I do.
15. Bye!

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