
At Home

So, labor day weekend. I'm at home, and pretty much doing nothing. I am going to make garlic and tomato (with basil and spinach) pizza tonight, and maybe apple pie, but until that very eventful time, I am doing nothing.

I still cannot decide if coming home this weekend was a good idea or not. I was really getting used to the idea of being at college, and I hope that coming home for the weekend hasn't spoiled that. I am looking forward to the shortened week coming up, though.

My family is being rather funny. They are very "what do you want to do now?" ish this weekend. I guess they want to make sure that I like coming home so I will do it more often....hahah....it's kind of amusing. But, they won't leave me alone!!!! It's still nice, in a way. I really cannot think of anything else to write right now, so in the interest of saving my one reader's mind, I will close this entry now. Perhaps I'll think of something better to write later....


  1. Thanks for the shoutout. Jealous about the day off thing... I had classes today. Anyway, agreed on the going home is awkward part... and I want some apple pie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Since when is going home awkward? The only problem is that you end up remembering how good being home is so that when you get back to college, it takes a day or so for you to stop hating it completely and wanting to be a commuter student.
    And Meredith, it looks like you're up to two readers!
    Your posts are very entertaining. And the earlier ones about you having problems with the whole idea of college make me feel a bit better in the sense that I know I'm not the only one out there feeling that way.

  4. Sorry, I forgot a question mark in my post and deleted it so I could add it. But I didn't know it would show up like that. Ok, anyway, sorry for the Nicole story. I'm sure you're missing those anyway.

  5. Yeah!!! I have three followers!!!! And they like my blogs!!!! I am very happy. Thank you, Allison, for spreading the word!!! Hahahahaha I am very glad that you are enjoying reading too....
