
Today Was a Good Day

Today was awesome! Probably the best day yet! I had work, first, which is turning out to be a lot more fun than I expected. I am now being trained to assist a buyer...oh yeah, i forgot. I work in the purchasing part of the office. I help people who basically buy everything the campus needs and then follows up and correctly places the orders. It's a lot of work, because things need to be documented, audited...etc. etc.

Anyhow, I'm working with this awesome lady named Wendy, and she is probably in her 20's still and really really cool. You all know what i mean, right? Like, you think, 'man, I want to be like that when I'm her age."

So my job today was to take a list, and if a thing needed to be taken out and checked over, I had to remove it and check to see if it had been paid, and if it had been...ummm...some other technical word. But, it was so much fun. I actually felt like I was doing something.

Did anyone else play secretary when they were a kid? I did. Maybe I'm just wierd. But, that's what my job is like now. It's really fun. My classes are fun too. In my astronomy class there is this senior who sits next to me and is always hoplessly lost. I feel kind of bad, but at the same time it is like "wow- I feel smart!" which is a good feeling to have.

I also "rented" a bike and rode into town and bought this neclace that I had wanted to get the other day, but decided not to. I thought it over, rationally, like my mother taught (hahahaha) and got it today. It is really cool. I would go on with the details, but I feel that in my euphoric mood, I would find it insainly interesting while other people are ceasing to read and logging into facebook. Yes- that's you.

Anyhow, college is really fun now. I actually feel important and smart and liked. It's awesome!

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