
Back at School

Well- here I am....this place is starting to feel more and more like home...I actually am not sad to be here this time....that's good.

My dad dropped me off, he hasn't seen the campus yet so I showed him around for awhile, and then he was like "Do you want to run to Wegmans?"
I said "I don't really need anything"
And he said " Oh, come on, lets go, I'm sure you need something."

Once we got there, he was so desperate to find something that I needed that I randomly started saying things. I ended up with: iced tea, water bottles, goldfish crackers and a muffin. The grand total was 9 dollars and 69 cents.

It was really cute, but kind of sad.I could tell he felt guilty for leaving me there... and he wanted to give me something tangable to make himself (and me) feel better....i kind of felt bad.

I hope that he's okay. I'm sure he'll be fine...I called my mom and warned her that he would probably be in a bad mood when he got home.

So, right now, I'm eating my goldfish crackers and drinking my iced tea....and doing homework.... ahh college.

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