
A Poem

And all my thoughts like the garbage in the corner
that I keep forgetting to take out.

check out this song: How the Day Sounds by Greg Laswell. It's interesting.

Who would've ever known it could be this easy
Oh, I was a long, long way off

And just like that it's over
Everything that I knew of love
I was a long, long way off

And I think I like how the day sounds
Like how the day sounds through this new song

Thank you for opening the window
The sky is clear as my mind is now
I was a long, long way off

Join me in welcoming the sun in
It's much brighter than the night I hid in
I was a long, long way off

And I think I like how the day sounds
Like how the day sounds through this new song
From a long way down
Yeah, it's well worth the time that it's taken to get here now
Yeah, it's well worth the time that it's taken to get here now
So go ahead and bang a gong

Nothing can drown out the sound of the whisper of my love
And I think I like how the day sounds through this new song
And the lines have all been drawn
I know where I belong, where I belong

Oh, won't you sing along?
Oh my love, won't you sing along?

Post Thanksgiving Resolutions

Well...its that time of year again... Post Thanksgiving Resolutions. Just kidding...I dont really know anyone who does those. Well, I will.

My resolution is to write more blog entries.

This is for you, my faithful few readers.


Story for Allison

Okay. Here is a new post. I asked my fellow blogger, (www.gatos-muertos.blogspot.com) to help me. She gave me seven words. Here they are:

burnt popcorn
flavored water
wild turkey
a tractor driving along the road causing road rage

And I made her a story:

Once upon a time, a wild turkey was driving a tractor along the edge of the road. His name was Peter Basket, and he was on the way to water his corn farm. While driving, he wasn’t watching where he was going, and kept swerving into oncoming traffic, causing beeping and road rage. When he finally got to his farm, he had a brilliant idea. He would water his corn with flavored water, and make the corn grow in different flavors. He tried raspberry water first, and when his crops grew, he picked them and sold them to the family of kittens that lived down the road. They decided to make popcorn out of the raspberry corn he sold them, and while it was cooking, they played with the slime they had bought at the dollar store earlier that day while they listened to their new cd, filled with ukulele music. They got so caught up in listening and playing that they forgot all about their popcorn, that is, until they smelled it burning.
They ran into the kitchen and pulled the popcorn out of the fire (they didn’t have a microwave) and then hesitantly tried it to see if it was okay. It was, thankfully. Only the kernels on the bottom had burnt. Then they ate it. The end. (oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, the popcorn was raspberry flavored.)




So...im just going to rant and yell and stuff for a while, basically stream of conciousness stuff. This stuff is personal, and related to God and religion and belief and my own issues, and I really don't mind if you read it but if you would rather not, thats cool too.
I have always had a lot of trust issues when it comes to religion. In general, in life, tend to be a little, um...controlling? is that the right word? Basically I just always want to make sure that things turn out okay. I love taking care of other people, and having people depend on me and all that jazz. But when it comes to relying on others....I think that is one of my weakest points. ( I know guys, im gonna get deep here).
Not that I dont trust people. I do. Really. I would trust a lot of people I know with my life. Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. I've always had that same sort of relationship with God...and it's never really worked for me. In my own life I've seen too many people get hurt by uncontrollable forces...Im not going to get into detail, but suffice it to say, it happened. I always have found it hard to believe that God would allow that. How could I trust someone with my own life who I believed had let down so many people I know, and even myself at some point. Gradually, over the years, I've, excuse me here....God has allowed me to overcome that, and has helped me see through that, see the positive from the negative. I know we don't always know his plans or how they will turn out. Then something happens again. It always does. Things will ALWAYS continue to happen. Things will sometimes turn out bad. Each time my trust falters a little bit, and each time my view of God changes a bit. I have lately begun to believe that if I was truly searching for the truth about religion, I would be okay. How could I be condemned for trying to know what the truth was? As a result of this, I was never able to grasp hold of what I really believed. I would change it according to what I needed it to be at the time.
Seeing a lot of "I's" mentioned here? Me too. Turns out, thats not the way it's supposed to go.We are imperfect.
Why would I trust in myself? I mess up all the time! That right there is putting my faith in something unstable that WILL NOT support me. Why would I want to put faith in MYSELF when there is someone else out there to put it into? So, today, after my class was cancelled, I was walking along the street outside, confused and thinking about all of this. ( The main thought running through my head was"how on earth am I supposed to trust?") when a verse popped into my head that I had read on a friend's facebook earlier. " BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD"
So I was. Still. I just stopped thinking. I realized that I know what the truth is. God is there. He keeps pushing me towards him, always. I can never escape, and I don't want to. I may have to battle though things in dealing with it, but I KNOW what is true.
That is all.