
Story for Allison

Okay. Here is a new post. I asked my fellow blogger, (www.gatos-muertos.blogspot.com) to help me. She gave me seven words. Here they are:

burnt popcorn
flavored water
wild turkey
a tractor driving along the road causing road rage

And I made her a story:

Once upon a time, a wild turkey was driving a tractor along the edge of the road. His name was Peter Basket, and he was on the way to water his corn farm. While driving, he wasn’t watching where he was going, and kept swerving into oncoming traffic, causing beeping and road rage. When he finally got to his farm, he had a brilliant idea. He would water his corn with flavored water, and make the corn grow in different flavors. He tried raspberry water first, and when his crops grew, he picked them and sold them to the family of kittens that lived down the road. They decided to make popcorn out of the raspberry corn he sold them, and while it was cooking, they played with the slime they had bought at the dollar store earlier that day while they listened to their new cd, filled with ukulele music. They got so caught up in listening and playing that they forgot all about their popcorn, that is, until they smelled it burning.
They ran into the kitchen and pulled the popcorn out of the fire (they didn’t have a microwave) and then hesitantly tried it to see if it was okay. It was, thankfully. Only the kernels on the bottom had burnt. Then they ate it. The end. (oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, the popcorn was raspberry flavored.)

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