
Top 10 Reasons Why College is Fun

1. Because on the way back from the gym, when you're in a really good mood because of endorphins, your suitemate will turn to you and say "this is so corny, but I am always so happy after excercise."And you will say "I always think of that line from Legally Blonde where she says "excersise makes creates endoprhins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people just dont kill their husbands." And she will know exactly what you are talking about and completely agree. And then when you get back to your dorm, your roommates will agree as well and will write it on the whiteboard on our door.

2. Because as I type this, I can yell to my roommate, who is sitting on the couch "how do you spell excercise?"

3. Because there is a two story bookstore on Main Street.

4. Because you can get out of the shower and find your 2 roommates making webcam video's and posting them on the third roommate's facebook page to take over her wall... hahaha...

5. Because when the room on the third floor in the building across from yours shines their green laser light in your windows, you and your roommate take turns turning on and off the lights in all three rooms of the suite, and the people with the laser will try to follow the lights...which is awesome. This will go on for about 5 minutes.

6. Because you can stay up till about 2 in the morning laughing about a very unusual story with people on your floor, and no one thinks its wierd.

7. Because one of my roommates brought a care bear stuffed animal, and upon finding out that another one of the roommates is freaked out by it, has fun hiding it in random places for her to find. And we all help her. Right now it's hanging by a coat hanger in her closet.

8. Because you hear your roommate say "im really going to do my homework now" and then hear the music from farmville coming from her computer.

9. Because you CAN do laundry at one in the morning.

10. Because when you and your suitemates decide to enter a scavenger hunt for your building, one of you decides that they're going to take down as many signs advertising the hunt as they can, thus ensuring we are the only team. Thus ensuring we win. There are about 5 signs now hanging in our room...because she's been taking them off the walls in the hallway all day.

11. It just is.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that would make college fun. Too bad my roommate is nothing like that, nor is anything else like that.
