
Not so Socially Awkward...

So my roommate moved in. She is nice, very exuberant, but still nice. One of my suitemates moved out this morning. Apparently her mother and father wanted her to come here, but she wasn't thrilled to go. She was crying all night and she left this morning. I guess she is dropping out.
So...new roommate eventually. That should be exciting. Hopefully. Hopefully we don't get one of those "problem people" who have to be moved out of another room because they create a disturbance. I'm hoping that we just get one of those "un tripled people".
Anyhow, college is going good. It's really hard sometimes because I know absolutely one person here. And I don't even know him well at all. So, basically, I'm on my own. But it's getting better. We had one of our first official "classes" today with a group of students who are also going into teaching, and real classes start on Monday. Hopefully then I will meet some people.

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