
Actually Enjoing Myself

Well, to my one reader (maybe more soon...) I am happy to report that today was a really good day. I had a ton of fun at college. We actually did stuff in all my classes and had really entertaining discussions about lots of really interesting stuff... it was fun. Work was actually fun too...surprisingly. I'm starting to actually know what to do with myself and not completely hopelessly lost as to which mail goes to which person, what to date stamp, where to circle things etc. I even got to organize a shelf...it was really fun. I even have my own desk and staple remover, letter opener and comfy chair.
I had coffee in the morning (which helps with the whole waking up thing) and then even had lunch in the cafeteria with actual other people...even though I didn't sit with them because i was finishing up homework.
Then, I walked around the cute and adorable town of Brockport with my roommate, who I get along with better than I expected...it's great. I even got M&M's and new earrings.
I found out that a local dance store carries my type of pointe shoe and found an awesome jewelry store, a place to run on a path along the canal (which is pretty) and had lots of fun.
Then I had dinner. Which was really good, and ice cream sundae's. Which is really good therapy. And then, when I was emptying my soup into the garbage, I accidently dropped my non-disposable soup bowl into the trash. I was like "oh crap" and this very cute guy at a table nearby laughed at me...in an nice way though...it was very funny.
Oh, speaking of cute guys...my computer got a virus, bummer, I know. Where does the cute guy come in? He was the one who fixed it. He had amazing eyes. I know, I'm hopeless. He really was very very cute though...and he was nice. And he got rid of the virus. Cute and helpful. My favorite.


  1. Your own letter opener? OMG!! Luxury!! Life is good!! :) And btw, eating lunch with others would be helpful...

  2. I couldn't eat lunch with others because I had to multitask and eat while reading my intro to soc. paper...it is hard to do both and then also talk. I did eat dinner with my roommate though, don't worry.

  3. And, yes, the letter opener is very nice.
