
I am sitting here in my dorm room, alone, while my roommate is off with her friend from school and the other roommate is with her boyfriend. I know absolutely no one. It is horrible. It seems like almost everyone here has friends already or at least someone to talk to that they know a little bit. I am very depressed. Hopefully it will go away. I didn't even want to come here. Why did I even choose this school? Classes were okay, I guess...they could have been better though... For a person who has had only two best friends, one for 10 years and the other for 8, deciding to venture out on my own for the first time in...well...ever was not a good plan. It is an awful plan. I am not a loner. I like talking to people. Hopefully this changes. For now, I am going to do self-therapy in the form of honey nut cherios, coffee, and a movie. Yipee for me.

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